Wide-field Fluorescence Imaging

Wide-field Fluorescence Imaging

產業價 : NT$ 1,000
學術價 : NT$ 500
數量 :


  • 倒立式顯微鏡 Inverted microscope: Nikon Eclipse Ti-U
  • 光源 Light Source: Nikon LH-M100CB-1 100W Fluorescent Mercury Lamp
  • 偵測器 Detector: Canon M50 Digital Camera
  • CCD Chip Size & Pixel: 22.3 x 14.9 mm, 24.10 Megapixels
  • 視野 Field of View: 725 micron x 725 micron with Nikon 20x S Fluor Objective
  • 濾片組 Filter Set #1: UV: Ex:330-380 nm, DM:400, Em:420 nm
  • 濾片組 Filter Set #2: Blue: Ex:450-490 nm, DM:505, Em:520 nm
  • 濾片組 Filter Set #3: Green: Ex:510-560 nm, DM:575, Em:590 nm
  • 濾片組 Filter Set #4: YFP: Ex:488-512 nm, DM:520, Em:528-556 nm
  • 物鏡 Available objectives: 4x (air), 10x (air), 20x (air), 40x (air and oil), 100x (air and oil)
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